AI Summit 2024 in Budapest – Take an Insider Look!

We visited the AI Summit 2024, Central Europe’s largest artificial intelligence event, held in Budapest. Although AI received both positive and negative reactions, we would like to share our perspectives on the latest developments and trends shaping the future of AI. The event was inspiring, enriching us with new ideas and confirming some of what we have learned so far.

AI Summit 2024 Budapest ARTofINFO

Highlights from the AI Summit 2024 in Budapest

A large number of national and international companies, representing a wide range of industries, gave presentations. They shared their experiences, the difficulties they encountered in finding their way and the successes they have achieved. They also addressed their concerns and open questions about the use of this technology. Our company was represented at presentations from the industries closest to ours, such as healthcare, finance and manufacturing support. 

The Most Interesting Presentation

One of the most interesting presentations on health was given by László Papp on “Quantum AI in Cancer Diagnostics” László outlined the applications of AI in his field of expertise. We learned that classical machine learning is not the most suitable tool for the analysis of PET CT scans, as there is not enough high-quality test material to train a truly efficient model. From this, it was concluded that a learning algorithm developed for quantum computers could achieve much better results, since orders of magnitude less test material could be used to train an efficient tool. In the meantime, we were given a theoretical introduction to the operation of quantum computers.

The Present of AI and Our Own Experience of the Conference

In the curve Gartner has drawn, we can see the expectation diagram for new technologies. A technology starts on the path to popularity, and when it hits the public consciousness, huge expectations are very quickly raised.

However, after many expensive and ineffective initial attempts, people very quickly become disillusioned because it does not bring about the radical change they first expected. But once the disappointment is overcome, technology finds its place in the world. We learn to use it, and much of what we had hoped for is realized, if not as quickly and to the extent that we had hoped for in the early stages.

The Future of Generative AI: Beyond the Hype

As you can see from the curve, Generative AI itself is already over the top of the first curve. This sentiment was evident in several presentations. We foresee that we will soon get over the disillusionment phase as well, as several presentations have already been given on how to approach this technology. It can add value and make a huge difference in many areas of our work. It’s about finding those areas and achieving results there, rather than completely upending all our processes and operations in one go.

New Technologies and Developments

We heard many presentations about ongoing and partially ongoing deployments that we think are very interesting and promising. We would like to highlight some of them in a non-exhaustive way: 

  • The aforementioned quantum cancer diagnostic tool 
  • Drug recommendation software based on the gene composition of cancer cells during cancer treatment 
  • Prevention services based on national health data 
  • A solution to detect harmful activities in the banking sector 
  • Tools to support development and prototyping 
  • Software to accelerate design and design work 

The future of AI and ARTofINFO

Although we are somewhere between the height of hype and the beginning of disillusionment, AI itself is set to change our world as much as the proliferation of mobile phones. However, it will not change the way the world works overnight, completely overhauling the way the world works now, but will change and improve our lives continuously, over a longer time interval.

We are looking forward to an exciting time at ARTofINFO. The time has come in the lifecycle of new AI technologies when we can stop chasing dreams and help our customers realise their real needs: to find the best AI solutions and to introduce them into their daily tasks, creating value and increasing efficiency and customer satisfaction. To adapt to new technologies as quickly as possible and keep pace with rapidly changing business needs, we have the enterprise solution: the Mendix platform.

In addition, we attach great importance to the collection and sharing of employee experience, as exchange and knowledge sharing are values that strengthen and drive our company forward.

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If you have any specific questions or are interested in a particular area of software development, contact us today!