
We are happy to share that the opening of the Art Gallery was held in our office for the second time! From November 10th 2023, the art productions of Magdolna Ignácz, Enikő Kalocsai, Zoltán Kalocsai and Zsuzsi Manninger can be viewed in our office.

After a festive greeting, the evening was opened by Kata Lendvai’s harp performance. Thanks to the Kalmár winery in Etyek and the Reisner winery in Budajenő, the guests were also able to participate in a wine tasting.

We spent a joyful and beautiful evening together with the creators and our guests.

We hope that the beginning tradition will continue in our office! 

Our gallery can be visited upon prior registration!

Please contact us at info@artofinfo.eu or sign up at the form below!
It is our pleasure to welcome you in our Art Gallery!

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    Art Gallery Catalogue

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